BEAUTY 25th of June 2020

How To Deal With Cystic Acne?

Cystic acne is the most serious type of acne that forms deep underneath your skin. Majority experience cystic acne due to hormonal changes during puberty but it can occur in older individuals too.

In particular, cystic acne is more inflammatory, which means the immune system is causing the reaction below the surface of the skin. It develops when cysts form deep underneath your skin. This can result from a combination of bacteria, oil, and dry skin cells that get trapped in your pores. It is usually formed below the cheek, all the way to the neck.

Is there any way to deal with them?

Unlike normal acne, cystic acne requires a higher degree of effort to get rid of. When battling cystic acne, your average skincare isn’t just going to cut it. And although the trip to the dermatologist might seem like the only solution, fret not, when there’s a will there’s a way. Here are a few tips that you might wanna pick up to slow down those nasty spots
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#1 Don’t Pick At It

We hear this countless times before, never pick or pop them. As satisfying as you think it might feel, picking on them especially if they are cystic will only further irritate them and eventually lead to scarring (You wouldn't want that, although it is tempting to pop them!). Resisting the urge to pick or pop will also help prevent the spread of contamination, as the dirt of that blemish you’re extracting can spread into surrounding pores, possibly leading to more acne!

#2 Do Be Mindful With What You Eat 

I guessed some of us already know about this, however, it is not easy to achieve as food is heaven! But, we do want to pinpoint this that inflammation is a natural response by the body in an attempt to protect itself from irritants, and in the case of acne, those irritants appear in the form of a clogged pore. An inflammatory response can result in those bumps that you get on your face. Therefore, maintaining an anti-inflammatory diet is a crucial step in becoming acne-free. Some inflammatory foods you might want to avoid are refined grains, sugar, dairy, fast food, and spicy food.

#3 Taking Supplements

Acne is an inflammatory skin condition that causes pimples and other skin lesions. Some vitamins and minerals may help treat and prevent acne. But first, we have to be aware of what type of ingredients that are present in these supplements. Though some supplements can help improve the condition, it is good to keep a lookout and avoid these common culprits that can trigger a breakout. Below are a few of the common culprits that could be putting you at risk for flare-ups:

Vitamin B12:  An excess of B12 has been shown to cause a disruption in the skin bacteria known as Propionibacterium acnes.
Biotin:  Biotin is the worst offender for cystic acne. This is due to the imbalance absorption caused by biotin. Vitamin B5 is known to fight acne. Both biotin (Vitamin B7) and pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) are absorbed from our gastrointestinal system via the same receptors. Thus, when taking an overload of biotin, the amount of vitamin B5, that is absorbed, decreases. 

Cystic acne can be painful, as well as emotionally distressing because of its effects on facial appearance. Now that we know the culprits, here's the best acne expert to battle the meanest of acnes.
PRAVENTAC™ is the breakthrough to all acne problems. This dietary supplement is formulated with Bovine-Sourced Lactoferrin that contains antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties, which inhibits the growth of propionibacterium on skins that are responsible for acne, spots, and blemishes. PRAVENTAC™ protects the skin against bacterial infection, by preventing the growth of bacteria by depriving them of essential nutrients or by killing bacteria by destroying their cell walls. This fast-acting solution clears acne-causing bacteria and eliminates acne scars for a clearer complexion. Practice these 3 important tips with praventac and you can wave cystic acne goodbye.

By K.Andrea

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