SKIN 8th of May 2020

No Makeup And Still Beautiful. Let’s #GoBareFaced Together

From Hollywood A-Listers to award-winning singers, many are starting to embrace their natural beauty by going make-up free. And here’s why you should start doing the same.

We get it. Going out or meeting people without make-up seems oh-so-terrifying. In fact, studies have shown that 44% of women never leave their house without makeup on – yes, even just to go to the supermarket across the street. But going bare-faced may be one of the best things you can do for your skin and here are 5 reasons why.

#1 Let Your Skin Breathe

Fact: Makeup often sits heavily on top of our skin, especially if we layer on foundation, concealer, and powder. It gets even heavier when you add on blush, highlighter or bronzer. While there’s nothing wrong with a full-glam look, reducing the amount of it every now and then will do your skin a huge favor by letting it breathe and rest. 

First, you’ll see your pores reducing in size because they’re no longer filled with the ingredients of your cosmetics. Gradually, your skin will experience faster skin renewal and you’ll find yourself having that healthier-looking complexion without covering anymore. 

#2 You Won’t Break Out As Much

While we put on cosmetics to conceal our flaws, it might actually be causing the problem, especially for those with sensitive or acne-prone skin. Most cosmetics contain chemicals such as fragrances, allergens, preservatives, and oils, which can clog up the pores, eventually leading to blotchiness or acne. Not only that, makeup brushes are also huge culprits for causing breakouts. 

The bottom line: Incorporate one or two makeup-free days into your week, and you’ll notice your face improve significantly. 

#3 Say Hello To Youthful Skin

According to skincare experts, regular use of make-up especially if done excessively, can actually accelerate aging. One of the aftereffects of applying makeup is that it prevents new skin from forming and hinders the skin renewal process. This causes dryness, irritation, and aggravation of fine lines and wrinkles. So when you go au naturale, you shave those years off too! 

#4 Your Skincare Routine Will Work Better 

Going bare-faced allows your skin to absorb all the healing skincare products you put on better. For example, when you apply your daily skincare (moisturizers or serums) and then follow up with the application of makeup, you might actually be hindering its nutrients, like vitamins and antioxidants from properly doing its job. So ditching makeup from time to time will definitely improve your skin’s absorption of nutrients to achieve maximum results. 

#5 You Gain Confidence And Self-Love

You may be surprised to learn the emotional effects of embracing your natural face. We know what you might be thinking: Will I look worn out? Or less attractive? What will my coworkers and friends think of my face? The truth is, it’s not that of a big deal. Although you might feel a little self-conscious at the beginning, those insecurities will slowly be erased when you realize the rewarding benefits to your skin, confidence, and general health. Because as cliche as it sounds, beauty is more than skin-deep.

Beauty Supplements
That Will Give You Your Best Skin

Tired of covering and trying all kinds of acne treatments that just won’t work? Try PRAVENTAC™, our fans’ favorite acne solution that has helped millions reclaim their clear skin. Be it blackheads, whiteheads, or any types of acne, PRAVENTAC™ is able to eliminate acne bacteria from within and reduce oil sebum production to reveal a shine-free healthier look.

Want another trick to look years younger? Couple it with AG-FACTOR™! As we mentioned, regular use of makeup will clog our pores and even age our skin. So the key here is to feed it with the right skin-nourishing nutrients! Filled with premium Cysteine Peptide, AG-FACTOR™ teaches our body to self-produce Glutathione and Collagen, the two main components that promote fairer and firmer skin!

So shop the Flawless Twins now and see amazing results that awaits you! And that’s when you realize you never needed cosmetics in the first place. So are you ready to indulge in the wonders of going makeup-free? Let’s #GoBareFaced today.

Read More:
What Do You Know About Acne?
How To Reclaim Smooth Acne-Free Skin?

By: Evelyn

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